Specialised Services
Specialised services
Specialised services includes employee wellbeing councelling and programmes, treating burnout, stress management and general coping with life’s demands. Sometimes people need an outside perspective to make sense of, and plan the way forward. Sometimes small changes can give the results you were looking for.
Employee well-being
Employee well-being has grown into a acknowledged phenomenon. Organisations and individuals have realised the importance of well-being and employee well-being programmes to optimise mental health subsequently influencing all domains of a person’s life. Many organisations have acknowledged the implementation of employee well-being and wellness days, programmes and counselling to ensure their workforce performs at their optimum level.
Burnout and stress management
Sometimes, life’s demands just gets to a point where the individual feels that he/she cannot cope anymore. Depression and burnout causes a diminshed ability to cope with life’s demands, takes away general enjoyment of life and leave the individual with no energy, no motivation, and poor capacity to cope with normal responsibilities.
It is important to get treatment and get professional help at an early stage to prevent long-term damage.
Workplace bullying
Workplace bullying - it happens to everyone, and sometimes you are unaware that you have been or are the victim of workplace bullying. Research has indicated that workplace bullying has a detrimental effect on employee well-being. I have witnessed quite clever...
The emotional impact of subject choice and career decisions in high school learners
In today's fast-paced world, with so many demands placed on us from an early age, high school learners may feel overwhelmed when faced to decide on subject choices and thinking about the career they want to follow. It is such a big and important decision, probably...
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19 Saffier street, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp
Mon – Fri: 8am -5pm
Saturdays: 9am – 3m